t are

t aret are
  1. Clinical analysis of 94 examples of child t are


  2. The extreme points and support points of T are obtained .


  3. S and W are the internal factors , O and T are the external factors .


  4. Diagnostic checking for dynamic panel models with fixed effects when both n and T are large


  5. In three-dimensional calibration , the rotation matrix R and vector T are use to contact the two camera .


  6. Where and T are the barometric pressure at the engine 's air intake and ambient temperature respectively .


  7. Two calculation methods about the relation function on a plane truss field T are given by using the method in reference [ 6 ] .


  8. The development concept , configurations , structural composition and main equipment of ICE 3 and ICE T are described in detail .


  9. The letters B , a , and t are literals and only match those specific characters .


  10. Beginning today , both Verizon Wireless and AT & T are cutting prices or their calling plans .


  11. The feeding of consumable electrode and the pushing forming slider t are controlled by computer harmonically .


  12. The both object plain movement and rotation as well as improvement of computing precision with needless decreasing t are considered in this algorithm .


  13. For six of the most important polymer radicals the values of K3 . T are collated in Table 4.4 .


  14. The probability of the quantized harmonic oscillator being in the nth quantum state in a system at temperature T are studied and discussed .


  15. In this paper , we introduce two methods to withstand conspiracy attacks : when n and t are not very large , we present an efficient threshold RSA signature scheme .


  16. And it is proved out that given a block of output sequence before time / , the correlation property and conditional correlation property between the output and input after time t are same .


  17. So the number of lactic acid bacteria > 1 × 108 mL-1 , and the acidity > 80 ° T are suitable for most of yoghurt product .


  18. Other discussions on residence time distribution and t10 / T are presented for tracer tests done on several existing tanks in waterworks of the Shenzhen Water Supply ( Group ) .


  19. Two free parameters s0 , T are involved in the calculations , so is related to the threshold energy of D meson and T is the Borel transformation parameter .


  20. Based on the system inverse idea power angle δ and terminal voltage ν t are chosen to be outputs , then α - order integral inverse system and nonlinear decoupling optimal control law is designed .


  21. The retention volumes of benzene are measured on five cracking catalysts with different contents of coke deposit , and the five lines of log V_g-1 / T are obtained .


  22. The sensitivities of the bare FBG and the FBG temperature sensor with plating gold K_ T are 0.0101 nm / ℃ and 0.0283 nm / ℃ respectively .


  23. The definitions of unsave field and miss field of extension relation on the transformation T are presented , and the properties of extension relation on the transformation T are discussed for some fields .


  24. At the same time , the distribution of the main parameters that flow u , k , turbulence dissipation ratio ε and eddy viscosity coefficient ν t are given out in conical diffuser .


  25. Now corporate giants such as Coca Cola , Yahoo !, American Express and AT & T are expanding their insurance coverage to meet the needs of transgender employees .


  26. 2 ) Very significant sexual difference is found in adult 's ( somatotype ) of Dong nationality ( P < 0.001 ) while SAD and T are 2.33 and 11.9 respectively .


  27. The coordinates X and Y , twisting angle F , and the tension T are the four dependent variables , while the are length s in the equilibrium state is the independent variable .


  28. For plane electromagnetic wave with angular frequency ω incident normally upon the surface of this layer , the expressions of the amplitude-reflection coefficient R and amplitude-transmission coefficient T are derived .


  29. The international economic links have become tighter and tighter , and S & T are advancing by leaps and bounds , both of which are exerting a major influence on policy economy and society .


  30. In this scheme , letters such as d and t are in the same group since they sound alike ( in fact each letter is vocalized by a similar mechanism ) and vowels are omitted altogether .
